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#752 - Sat, 10 Sep 2011, 04:48 (gmt)
@MON0XIDE I agree, I boosted n got ranked reset. I'm not mad cause it was never about the rank, I wanted the achievement. In GoW3 I won't boost cause its playable :D Banning someone for using what's in the game is dirty. In GoW3 I won't mind it since people will all know not to do it. It's like when people spawn trap & camp, should they be reset or banned for using advantages? I admit boosting is wasting time but playing legit is even more. (Talking about GoW2 only)
#751 - Sat, 10 Sep 2011, 04:43 (gmt)
I had a awsome child hood acually see u already suck at what you, just like you do at gears, and yes i do have a thing against gays and fat people but only if there name is silent shit ;) and how am i immature whut makes a person mature wise one? Why dose everyone in the world have to be mature? This a dictaorship??? Ruled by u mr silent shit??? Everyone has to be mature no one can have fun by pissen u off?? Obv 2 people in here dont like u nor care for whut u say so why bother?????? And to monoxide amen brother
#750 - Sat, 10 Sep 2011, 04:38 (gmt)
Why's everybody fightin ???? In my personal opinion that whole "boosting" things well is kinda dumb gets annoying in a game too lol i play submission anyway but even in that people end with 124 downs cause they shoot the flag its kinda lame ban people or reset them should be going down cause they dont deserve rank 100
#749 - Sat, 10 Sep 2011, 04:37 (gmt)
U got a thing against fat & gay people?
Why do u assume I'm such. Ur as immature as it gets. I studied psychology, U must have had issues growing up. When did I talk shit? u sir r blind. Does using the word scrub in every couple sentences make u feel tough?
#748 - Sat, 10 Sep 2011, 04:29 (gmt)
@Coinfrenzy U don't have 2 but here u are. Cool beanz bro.
its Silent5hot1 btw dude >.<
#747 - Sat, 10 Sep 2011, 04:28 (gmt)
Im 6'3 200 lbs hit me up for a real beat down bud my bad i buy a game like to play a real game insted of 5 queers like u who run in and out a circle 600 times in 20 mins yupp like i said before SCRUB why do talk so much shit but just loveee talkin to me???? You must be gay silentshot my bad thats a 5. Like i said hit me up see if u can throw a beat down big boy pshh and ik u a lil fat boy arent u got them cheetos stuck under ur tits
#746 - Sat, 10 Sep 2011, 04:19 (gmt)
lmao guest give up please. Scrub? again really, read a dictionary :D
Keep talking ur hardcore internet trash, its people like u that take video games 2 seriously & need a real life beating. I'm not a fanboy of gears. why the hell would u assume that? damn u sure are stupid. I'm enjoying this conversation. PEACE & LOVE (C U in GoW3 hater) :D

To the other guest, If u played the beta it wasn't to hard but they might make it a tad harder. Good luck.
#745 - Fri, 9 Sep 2011, 23:00 (gmt)
Hey if anyone is down to play horde or needs help in campaing just message... And silent shot the only reason I haven't responded is because I don't have time to talk to whiny little boosters of your like
#744 - Fri, 9 Sep 2011, 14:54 (gmt)
@monoxide I sent a friendrequest. Also anyone who wants or needs to tackle Allfathers Memorial, and Nowhere horde from beginning message my Gamertag. (Above)
#743 - Fri, 9 Sep 2011, 14:50 (gmt)
Rank 87 20x xp hopefully this goes good !!!!
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