Gears of War 2 Rankings Calculator and Experience Chart

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#751 - Tue, 23 Aug 2011, 10:17 (gmt)
Bootzz what's your rank or XP level?
#750 - Tue, 23 Aug 2011, 03:32 (gmt)
dude cyrofuse u wasted ur time doing that man.. I was so determined to get my wings, but when j saw how hard it takes, I practically lost the light. So I'm just gonna try my best and I'll probably make it to 90 something , but I'd be pisses if it was like 98/99.
#749 - Mon, 22 Aug 2011, 16:20 (gmt)
Calculation for Kills/Waves for each XP Weekend.

As many of you are trying to get your wings (rank 100) for the 'Veteran Gear' achievement and those tastey 'Gold Weapon Skins' in Gears 3, here's a simple calculation to let you know how much you need to do over each XP weekend to reach your goal (spread over equal amounts so you can pace yourself).

1. Firstly using DrMongs XP Calculator calculate the number of kills/waves you need to reach 100 using the 10x multiplier.

2. Use the following equation to get the amount you need to do each weekend:


Where n is the amount of kills or waves.

For example:

For rank 75 to 100 I need to complete 2,096 waves of horde on hardcore.
So I will need to do 299 waves of horde on hardcore each weekend or 100 on each of the 3 days.

For wingman I need 2,368 kills.
So I will need 338 kills on wingman each weekend or 113 kills on each of the 3 days.


Now if I keep to the number calculated in weekend 2 (338 kills in wingman) and do the same amount for the next 4 weekends, then I should have got my wings or be close to it at the end of weekend 5.

If I missed the first weekend and want to know how much I need to do then use the calculation for weekend 2 (10x multiplier). Likewise if you missed weekend 2 then use weekend 3 (15x multiplier).

If I did more or less than I should for a particular weekend, then use the following weekend's calculation to see how much more (if you did less) or less (if you did more) you need to do.

As the first XP weekend has passed, only 4 remain and the above calculation takes this into account. Each weekend requires a slightly different calculation which are outlined below. Ensure that you use the multiplier stated below for the relevant week.

Weekend 1 - Using 5x XP (Finished)

Weekend 2 - Using 10x XP

Weekend 3 - Using 15x XP

Weekend 4 - Using 20x XP

Weekend 5 - Using 25x XP
I'm sure you can figure this one out yourselves.

This calculation only applies to kills/waves achieved during the XP weekends and does not include games played on the standard 2x multiplier.

Well I hope this did more help than confuse.

(204 waves of Horde on hardcore for the next 4 weekends)

#748 - Mon, 22 Aug 2011, 13:07 (gmt)
Anyone want to play horde on insane my gt is angelo214
ABeast 503ABeast 503
#747 - Mon, 22 Aug 2011, 10:02 (gmt)
If anyone would like to play horde or boost or anything in gears 2 please add me I will be playing this 24/7 to get to 100 before gears 3 comes out which seems impossible cuz I'm only lvl 32 (my rank got reset)
#746 - Mon, 22 Aug 2011, 09:15 (gmt)
I've had my progress reset twice now, and would really like to get to level 100. Not just for the golden weapons but to get every achievement. I would like to know what people think my chances are of getting from level 45 to level 100 before the 20th of September?
chaoz sniperchaoz sniper
#745 - Mon, 22 Aug 2011, 00:52 (gmt)
I hate the bullshit in gears 2 so much but I want to get lvl 100 so bad! I can't wait till gears 3!!!
#744 - Sun, 21 Aug 2011, 18:40 (gmt)
Btw five kids crazy, there is many ways of taking adavantage. Like security wave 1/ hardcore or insane. Rinse & repeat. U can manage b4 gow3 if ur dedicated :) good luck
o0 Lokio0 Loki
#743 - Sun, 21 Aug 2011, 18:35 (gmt)
Anyone can get to level 100 in the 20/25xp events easily. If you're good then the xp just rolls on in. Of not then try your hand at boosting in KotH social. Just swing your grenade about. You will find people willing to do it. No point doing it until higher xp events. I won't do it but I'll be helping my 3 friends out in the 25xp event x
#742 - Sun, 21 Aug 2011, 18:35 (gmt)
Its all good chaoz sniper.
The more people that know :)
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